Saturday, April 3, 2010

Better luck next year?

Considering it took her about 18 months to warm up to relatives who she sees on a regular basis, what was I thinking?  $64 later...we have a priceless picture for the future! 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Is this worth $5?

It was to Noah!  Rob asked Noah if he was going to pay for all of the paper cups that he was wasting.  He asked how much they cost.  Rob told him $5.  "Okay, that's not too much" was the reply!  Seeing how he can build structures out of anything is priceless to me...we may just have a future engineer!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Noelle is also into just about everything else that Noah touches, too!  From Nerf guns to Buzz Lightyear toys, she's all about whatever Noah is playing with.  She's so funny - she can flip the switch on being a girly girl to being a tomboy in an instant.  One minute it's princesses and My Little Pony, the next it's superheroes and weapons.  I am anxious to see where she stands in a year or so!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Daddy!!

Today would have marked my Daddy's 62nd birthday!  Words really can't describe the loss I still feel every single day.  This year will mark ten years since he went to Heaven (and I am forever grateful that I have no doubt where he is!!!).  I wonder what he and my sister will do to celebrate :)  My guess is a round of golf or h-o-r-s-e!  

I think having Noah and Noelle has made his death much harder to deal with.  I wish so much that they could have known him here on earth and played with him as they grew up.  He would have adored and doted on them and I am certain the feelings would have been mutual!  I try to describe him to Noah but I limit what I say right now because I don't want him thinking too much about death having just experienced the loss of his favorite aunt.  Over time, I'm sure both kids will realize what he means to me :)


Saturday, February 6, 2010



To the Publix cashier today: "May I please have a balloon?  Oh yeah, can you please get one for my baby too?"

To Daddy: "You're the best Daddy ever.  Thanks for getting me the carwash (Matchbox carwash set that makes a royal mess because it involves using hot and cold water to change the color of the cars) for Christmas.

To Mommy: "I love you, Momma.  Thanks for letting me play with the carwash today.

I just love how he says the sweetest, most thoughtful things and it's without prompting.  He is so much like his Daddy and I am so thankful for that.  Don't get me wrong, he can be a stinker but I am so blessed to have such a sweetheart for a son.  I love you, Noah!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Mommy's Girl

We're in trouble...she LOVES soda...

I am still eternally grateful that Noah has yet to drink a soda!  He has absolutely no interest in it even when his friends or baby sister are drinking it.  Boy did we luck out with him!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Praying for Bronson - Bathtub Drowning

I needed this reminder.  I'm guilty of running into the kids' rooms to grab their towels or forgotten pajamas/socks/etc. while they're in the bathtub.  It doesn't matter that the bathtub is still within my sight.  Trajegy can strike in a split second.  God, please heal Bronson!


Ironically, I was filling up the bathtub on Wednesday while tidying up the house.  Within seconds, Noelle had herself in the tub, clothes still on!  I do think this picture is absolutely adorable and priceless but it is also a reminder to me that she is such a different baby than Noah and must be watched 24/7!  My hands are full right now...but so is my heart!!